Go Big. Go Right. (Be Moved)

Amazing video footage!

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Southern right whales, which can measure about 55 feet and weigh up to 60 tons, were once hunted to the brink of extinction. The present population off Australia numbers about 2,500. The global population is about 12,000.

“Dave Price who was just making his way over to the whales on his stand-up board said they were really inquisitive and came over to meet him.  There was one time when the whales lifted their heads up [and] looked up over Pricey’s board. They were so inquisitive and wanted to know what he was.”

Source: Grindtv.com

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4 thoughts on “Go Big. Go Right. (Be Moved)

  1. So beautiful and gentle… the natural world never ceases to fill me with awe. I found this very moving to watch, but I know if I’d been there i would have been scared of their sheer size and power.

    Liked by 1 person

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