Motivate Me! Weekly #Guidance for Happiness & Wellbeing by Shelley Wilson @ShelleyWilson72 #Motivational

  • 61j8oqu-8wl-_sx320_bo1204203200_Author: Shelley Wilson
  • Published: December 2016 by Zander
  • Category: Self Help, Motivational
  • four-half-stars

Your weekly guide for happiness! Designed to give you a weekly boost of motivation, this sixty-four page guidebook will offer you a positive dose of inspiration throughout the year. Listen to your inner voice, pick a page, and then take meaning from the message you receive.

Motivate Me! does exactly what it says. A lovely little book with 52 motivational prompts which can be used in various ways, either for affirmations or by opening the book at a random page after giving thought to a question/problem requiring guidance. 

An assortment of suggestions which include wearing brightly coloured clothes to lift the spirits, releasing fear, slowing down, not being afraid to ask for help and not letting go of your dreams to name but a few, are available for individual interpretation….along with recommendations relating to health and pleasurable pursuits…each with the potential to generate positive emotions and/or experiences.

I like the random structure, without any sort of set pattern, so there’s no right or wrong way to use the book, just as the impulse takes you. Each page has beautiful illustrations, some of which can be coloured, giving a sense of tranquility. I haven’t yet tried adult colouring so this might be a good opportunity. Slim enough to fit in a handbag or pocket, this guide can be carried with you anywhere for easy reference. Love the cover too.

Book links ~ Amazon UK | US

About Shelley Wilson

b1bv9mvlnjs-_ux250_A single mum to three teenagers, she enjoys reading a wide variety of genres, cooking, running and arts and crafts. She is an avid list maker and pizza addict, enjoys going out for coffee with friends, watching Game of Thrones or The Walking Dead, and reading in a beautiful garden. 

Shelley’s books can be found here and here

Shelley’s social media links ~ Website | Fiction Blog |Motivational Blog | Twitter | Facebook

10 thoughts on “Motivate Me! Weekly #Guidance for Happiness & Wellbeing by Shelley Wilson @ShelleyWilson72 #Motivational

  1. Oh wow, what a lovely surprise! Thank you for this great review, Cathy. I’m so glad you are enjoying my book. Quite a few people have mentioned colouring in the pages which I think is a fantastic idea – it makes the book personal to the reader then. Thanks again x

    Liked by 1 person

      1. The only resolution I made is to STOP pizza Wednesdays. So how am I doing? I had pizza on Wednesday, the first one in this New Year.
        I buy them in the grocery store: thin crust, vegetarian. I then load on peppers, slivered onions, olives–whatever I have on hand. Sigh.


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