Favourite Opening Lines 2015 #Books #Am reading

The selections below are a few of my favourites, which  invited, pulled or hauled me into the story. I’d love to read opening lines that draw you into a book, so please feel free to leave any favourites in the comments.

The best trick I ever pulled off was watching myself die. I did a respectable job of it too – the dying, I mean, not the watching.

 Tricked by Kevin Hearne


She thought of Chaos, and the original confusion, and felt as if she were part of that tumult. Earth and sea and heaven and hell were mixed up, and everything inside her was a whirligig. The Greek chorus was screaming in her head, all of them wanting out.

 Multiple Wounds by Alan Russell


London, 1860. Dream world of pain and pleasure, of fantasy and phantom. It is midnight, a full moon and a cold mist rising up from the river.

Diamonds and Dust by Carol Hedges


The blood-orange sun rode low on the horizon, a seething scar of vibrant colour slashing the otherwise gray sky.  A distant horn blared for the fourth time, and Jackson knew he’d pushed the limits as far as he could afford.

Three by Jay Posey


He’d been gone a week. Once I hadn’t wanted him around me, now I longed for his return. Strange how things could change, I mused, as I brought the ponies in from the field.

 Before the Dawn by Georgia Rose


“What’s your name?”

“Elvis Presley.”

The dream is always the same. I’m in jail. No, I’m in an interrogation room, being questioned for an alleged crime. A murder. My own murder.

 Elvis Has Not Left The Building by JR Rain


The stone walls stood as they had for more than two centuries, simple, sturdy and strong. Mined from the hills and the valleys, they rose in testament to man’s inherent desire to leave his mark, to build and create.

 The Next Always by Nora Roberts


The arrows came out of nowhere, showering down on the clearing like an early rain, making people gasp and scatter, darting for cover. Those who were not hit helped the wounded, dragging them along into the bushes as another volley burst from above.

 The Peacekeeper by Zoe Saadia


Jack Gregory felt strong hands shove him into the moonlit alley, only dimly aware of the half-dozen men that encircled him as his focus shifted to the man that waited in the center of that ring. These self-appointed referees had brought them together here for two reasons: to watch a death match between Americans and to make sure Jack wasn’t the one who walked away.

 Once Dead by Richard Phillips


The course of my best friend Harry Lanchester’s life was dramatically altered one rainy afternoon in August 1971, when his elder brother, Alex, fell to his death from a sheer rock face along the Llanberis Pass in North Wales.

 Kings and Queens by Terry Tyler


Daniel Ash locked eyes with Olivia Silva, his gun held out in front of him. For a moment it was as if time itself had frozen solid. Then the corner of her lip curled up in the slightest of smiles.

Oh God. No!

Even as he thought this, he squeezed the trigger, but her finger was already plunging towards the ENTER key.

Pale Horse by Brett Battles


I’m pretty much f***ed. That’s my considered opinion.


Six days into what should be the greatest two months of my life and it’s turned into a nightmare. I don’t even know who’ll read this. I guess someone will find it eventually. Maybe a hundred years from now.

 The Martian by Andy Weir


Claire Danielson didn’t know he was tracking her until the trees noticed him. Despite Academy training, her fieldwork was never more than adequate. But her workout run today was through the home wood, where her family had been casting for the past hundred years.

Just For The Spell Of It by Barb Taub


Three miles straight down were the men he’d come to kill. He stood in the open doorway of the aircraft as the one-hundred-fifty-mile-an-hour slipstream buffeted him, trying to pull him closer to the emptiness that lay beyond. It was a moonless night and there was nothing below him but the darkness of the windswept desert.

 Zero Separation by Philip Donlay


I was a savage brought in from the wild, untameable and capable only of venting primitive furies upon the necessities of urban domesticity.

Inkker Hauser; Part 1 ~ Rum Hijack by Phil Conquest


The first memory that Nicola had of hating her mother was in 1969. Gene Pitney was playing on the radio, as the seven year old Nicola hopped from one foot to the other in a desperate attempt not to wet herself.

Dare To Lose by EL Lindley


I wake up on a pile of smouldering garbage and leaves in the old Hollywood Forever cemetery behind the Paramount Studio lot on Melrose, though these last details don’t come to me until later. Right now all I know is that I’m back in the world and I’m on fire.

Sandman Slim by Richard Kadrey


Alice pulled her cloak tightly round her as she pushed her way through the crowds. The gruesome shadow of the gallows loomed ahead, five rope nooses creaking in the bitter wind that whipped through Halstead’s bustling square.

 The Black Hours by Alison Williams


With a steady hand he picked up a thin tube and attached it to the needle embedded into the woman’s smooth, pale skin. He’d insisted on doing this part of the procedure himself, as he’d done with his children. The President leaned towards his wife, kissed her lips, and wiped a tear from her cheek.

 The Dead Lands by Dylan J Morgan


31 thoughts on “Favourite Opening Lines 2015 #Books #Am reading

  1. What a TERRIFIC idea for a blog post, Cathy! What a lovely surprise to see one of mine, too – and I’ll let you into a secret, I played around with that sentence for AGES before I got it just right. So good to see it was worth it 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Gosh! Being included here took me completely by surprise – thanks!! There are so many great openings here, several for books I have waiting for me…which makes me want to go and start them now – and that says it all doesn’t it! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Great post, Cathy!
    I love the first line of Time Will Darken It – by Willam Maxwell:
    ‘In order to pay off an old debt, Austin King had said yes when he knew that he ought to have said no, and now at five o’clock of a July afternoon he saw the grinning face of trouble everywhere he turned.’

    Liked by 1 person

  4. When the heart of a man gets pulled loose he starts dying. – Passing through Perfect by Bette Lee Crosby.
    Not a day had gone by during her childhood years when she had not been told the tales of The Reviled, tales which were meant to frighten her into absolute vigilance; to always be wary of the darkness where the Dark Ones could lie in wait. – Dark Fey, The Reviled by Cynthia A. Morgan.

    This is a fun post. I’ll have to take some time to think of others.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. A wonderful blog post, Cathy, and how lovely to be included. Inevitably it’s made me want to read all the ones I haven’t already read 😀

    Liked by 1 person

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