#Extract & #Giveaway ~ Elaine Robertson North #Author of I Can’t Tell You Why @RobbieNorth @rararesources

I’m delighted to be joining the blog tour for I Can’t Tell You Why by Elaine Robertson North, organised by Rachel’s Random Resources.

Having an affair is inconceivable to Dani and yet she’s having one with Alex. He’s married, he’s an actor and she’s his agent.

Then Dani meets Sean, a paparazzi photographer with a formidable reputation. It’s a profession that makes him unpredictable at best. A dangerous trait when his motivation to expose becomes personal. 

Dani knows she’s made mistakes. She also knows she’s not the first person who wilfully hurt someone they love and is simply unable to explain why.

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Dani is an agent, representing a number of actors at various stages of their careers. Her working life is hectic and full of pressure. This is the first time we get a sense of what a day in the office is like for her as she prepares to meet Alex at the press launch of his soon-to-be-aired TV drama. It’s the day after he’s told her that despite being married, he wants them to start a relationship.

Dani started to sort through the mountain of stuff on her desk, starting with a large envelope. She pulled out two sets of publicity postcards for two of their artists that would be sent out autographed to adoring fans. She wandered over to Toby’s desk just as he was hanging up. “So who do you want to be today?” she asked. “Polly or Damien?”

Toby rubbed his hands together in delight. “Ooh, Damien Cane please!” Dani put the pile of Damien’s postcards on Toby’s desk and, grabbing a thick black pen he immediately started signing, ‘Best wishes, Damien’, with great gusto. No one would ever know.

As Sammy finished her call, Dani had already moved to stand over her, waiting for the full explanation of what had obviously been an interesting conversation. “That was Dave on the phone. He got caught in a fight last night over a girl and the police were called. Apparently she was being threatened by an angry boyfriend and he stepped in to try to help and then it all turned ugly. Despite the heroic attempt to rescue a damsel in distress, he got kept in a cell overnight but was released without charge this morning. Do you want me to do anything?”

Sitting back down at her desk, Dani thought for a moment. Nothing much was happening for Dave at the moment which was a constant frustration. “Was he hurt?”

“Black eye, bruising.”

“Great, call the Daily Mirror.”

Without hesitation, Sammy picked up the phone and started dialling. “Oh, I almost forgot. Alex has called you a million times already this morning. He wants to know what time he’s meeting you at the press launch today. And that new casting agent called too. Alex got the part.”

Well thank God, thought Dani, immediately and somewhat selfishly relieved that Alex would be leaving for Scotland within weeks and staying there for three months. Some good Scottish air was just what he needed to clear his confused head. She pulled out his file from her desk drawer and was immediately looking at his latest publicity shot. Warm, dark blue eyes. A relaxed, infectious smile. A slim face framed with loose waves of blond hair, sitting on broad, square shoulders. All of which came together with an air of casual friendliness. She felt her chest tighten. ‘Bloody idiot,’ she muttered under her breath, as much to herself as to Alex.

She had been representing him for almost four years now and after a series of parts in established TV series, everything was about to change. Having been cast as the lead in a major new drama, he was about to become a household name and today was when the first episode would be shown to the press. For the first time he would be featured in national newspapers and magazines, would start the rounds of daytime shows and chat shows and play his part in fuelling the insatiable 24-hour online and social media machine. Anonymity would soon become a distant memory. She would do her best as always to prepare him for what would be a monumental change to his life and again, as always, he would insist he was ready. That’s what they all said.



5 x paperback copies of I Can’t Tell You Why to win (Open Internationally) To enter please click the Rafflecopter link.

*Terms and Conditions –Worldwide entries welcome.  Please enter using the Rafflecopter box below.  The winner will be selected at random via Rafflecopter from all valid entries and will be notified by Twitter and/or email. If no response is received within 7 days then Rachel’s Random Resources reserves the right to select an alternative winner. Open to all entrants aged 18 or over.  Any personal data given as part of the competition entry is used for this purpose only and will not be shared with third parties, with the exception of the winners’ information. This will passed to the giveaway organiser and used only for fulfilment of the prize, after which time Rachel’s Random Resources will delete the data.  I am not responsible for despatch or delivery of the prize.


About the Author

Elaine spent 25 years working in marketing and communications in the media and entertainment industries. This included seven years marketing national newspapers and a variety of senior executive roles in TV, radio and film. I Can’t Tell You Why is her first novel. Elaine lives in North London with her husband and their two sons. When she’s not writing, she can be found looking harassed on the school run, cheering on the side lines of her sons’ football matches or singing her heart out at her local branch of Popchoir.

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