Littlebredy, Dorset

Littlebredy is, as its name suggests, a small village situated in the Bride valley between Bridport and Dorchester, with a population of just 85. It boasts a lovely little church…



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Some very pretty cottages…


And lovely grounds belonging to Bridehead, the mansion at the centre of the village…

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19 thoughts on “Littlebredy, Dorset

  1. They’re so lovely I’ve actually got tears in my eyes! I love ancient churches, especially the lych gates. You’d love the one in Earls Barton, where my dad lives – some parts of the church date back to Saxon times 🙂 Oh, and I hope Judith (above!) is feeling better!!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Wow! Thanks so much for all the lovely comments. I would never have known about some of the beautiful little places we’ve visited but for seeing articles here and there.


  3. Oh Cathy, you’ve touched my core here. I spent fourteen years of my youth in Dorset, and still miss its beautiful landscape and lovely quiet villages. This post just fills me with longing to go back. I know I’ve been to Littlebredy, but don’t remember it exactly. However, it has all the atmosphere of many other wonderful Dorset villages. I used to live neat Broadwindsor and was at school in Lyme Regis. Such lovely names…all the Piddles and Puddles too. Your photos are too lovely. Thank you!

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Clicked send before I was ready…I meant also to say, I know Broadwindsor well, and we go down to Lyme Regis a lot for walks. I love being there. Have to make the most of it before we move.


  4. I love old churches and always prefer to visit them when no one is around, so I love your photos. That sense of beauty and tranquility comes through and it’s hard not to get caught up in the amazement of the skills of the builders, isn’t it? Thanks for sharing, Cathy – a great discovery!

    Liked by 1 person

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