I Listened To My Heart

  • ListenedToMyHeart -web cover onlyAuthor: Rosemary Gallagher
  • Published: April 2013 by CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform
  • Category: Contemporary, Spirituality
  • four-half-stars

Rosie's Book Review Challengers 1

Rose O’Carroll has been single for most of her 40 years. In her search for love she bravely decides to pack up her comfortable life in Australia and move to London. Guided by her special friends — her angels — she quickly settles in her new life; lands a great job; makes new friendships and begins her spiritual journey……

I Listened to My Heart takes us on an adventure with Rose O’Carroll, a 40 something single Australian who feels her life is going nowhere. Although she has a large and loving family she feels the need for drastic action to kick-start her love life, which comes in the form of a move to London. Rose firmly believes her angels are guiding her and she soon settles into her new life, making some lovely friends and hoping she’ll find ‘the one’ now her spiritual journey is underway.

You see, ever since I was a little kid I knew I had someone walking by my side and watching over me. I don’t know how I knew this as I never saw anyone, but I always felt this extraordinary sense of protection. I assumed it was my guardian angel, as growing up a Catholic there was always talk of angels – so it felt natural to me. Little did I know that in time, I was to develop a “special” connection with them.

However, crossing paths with the handsome American, Joe De Marco, sends her into a tail spin. Rose knows Joe is her twin soul mate but Joe is far from ready for that commitment and keeps Rose way past arms length. Rose believes everything happens for a reason and even though she is desolate about the ‘Joe situation’ and her emotions are in total chaos, she drives her friends mad with the conviction they will eventually get together, regardless of the way he is behaving. 

The story spans ten tears of Rose’s life and lays all bare which is actually what makes it so realistic. It’s very down to earth and the characters are all well drawn and likeable. Rose is totally human in that she can have one (or three) too many and have to cope with a hangover the next day. And she likes her food! Along with a huge percentage of the population, now and again she needs to pull back and detox. Although she’s spiritual she’s not prissy or prudish. I love the bond between Rose and her family and friends and the closeness they share.

As Rose’s character grows and she delves deeper into her spiritual side she becomes aware of her ability for tarot reading among other things. As someone who is fascinated by the whole angel/spirituality thing, I find those aspects of the book especially interesting. The weekend retreat sounds intriguing too. The verse and Rose’s note to her angels at the beginning of each chapter is a lovely touch. As it says on the cover – a novel of faith, love and friendship – and that sums it up perfectly.

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About the author

photoRosemary Gallagher is an author, tarot reader/angel intuitive and lyricist. She was born in Melbourne, Australia and spent most of her life there until moving to London in 2000.

For most of her professional career she worked as a Receptionist in various high profile companies.  She recently left her day job to concentrate on her writing and spiritual endeavours.  Rosemary has always held a strong interest in the metaphysical, especially the tarot cards and the angelic realm. After settling into her new life in London she began formal tarot studies at the Psychic College of London and has been reading the tarot professionally ever since. 

Rosemary discovered her creative voice a few years ago after an emotional encounter turned her life upside down; I Listened to My Heart is Rosemary’s debut novel and although fictional, is inspired by a real life experience.  It is an uplifting and light-hearted story of faith, love and friendship. Rosemary is passionate about life and all things spiritual, with a strong interest in twin soul connections.

Rosemary can also be found on Facebook and Twitter 

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